Climate compensation

Reducera koldioxidhalten i atmosfären genom att spara och plantera ny skog i Sverige

A swedish standard for local climate compensation

The forest is a cropping system that has created value for both forest owners and society at large for a long time. For the past hundred years, this value creation has mainly been based on timber and pulp generated by forestry in increasing volumes. Now, the carbon sink can also create value when used for climate compensation on a commercial market. Responsible companies and consumers actively working to reduce their CO2 emissions can balance remaining emissions with the help of forest owners. The solution is simple: those emitting carbon dioxide pay those who manage their forests so that they capture and store an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide.

Types of climate compensation

There are many types of climate projects worldwide where carbon credits are generated, and it can be challenging to understand the differences between them. Most of them today are based on climate projects resulting in the avoidance of carbon dioxide emissions in one operation, and another operation can claim the avoided emission to offset emissions in its own operation. However, to truly reduce the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere, projects capturing carbon dioxide are needed. It is in this area that Carbon Capture Company aims to contribute by certifying climate projects where the Swedish forest, through photosynthesis, captures carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and stores it in a growing timber stock.

Avoidance (Avoided emissions)
A common carbon credit based on not cutting down a forest, usually a rainforest. The carbon that is not released underpins the credits. An avoided emission is used to compensate for other emissions.

Reduction (Reduced emissions)
An example is converting a coal-fired power station to a wood-fired one. The reduced emissions underpin the credits. A reduced emission is used to offset another emission.

Defferal (Deferred emissions)
Not very common credits. Based on postponing a planned forest harvest for one or more years. Deferred emissions are used to compensate for other emissions.

Removal (Carbon capture)
Carbon dioxide is captured and stored. When forest growth exceeds harvesting, carbon dioxide is captured, and the capture forms the basis for the credits. Carbon capture is used to compensate for other emissions.

How does the Swedish forest work as a carbon sink
“Företag ökar både kundnytta och lönsamhet genom ett ordentligt klimatarbete!”
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